Cape Kidnappers, Ocean Beach Wildlife Preserve (Hawke's Bay) Reference Source / North Island Rifleman

Source Population: What's This?
Capture Site Name: What's This?
Boundary Stream Mainland Island
Capture Location:
50 km northwester of Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand
Capture Site Latitude: What's This?
Capture Site Longitude: What's This?
Capture Site Population: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Capture Site Population Year: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Capture Method: What's This?
Mist Net
Reference Source
Number Captured: What's This?
Percentage Captured: What's This?
Not Located
Transport Method: What's This?
Reference Source
Transport Timespan (in hours): What's This?
0.30 - 2.00 Reference Source
Number Dead in Transport: What's This?
1 Reference Source
Percentage Dead in Transport: What's This?
2.20% Reference Source
Notes: What's This?
SOURCE ALTERATION: one week prior to catching, riflemen song was recorded from a number of family groups in the area which would be targeted for catching. 46 riflemen in total were caught on the Island over eight days between 1/28/08 and 2/21/08 (38 TOTAL = 14 females, 21 males, and 3 unknowns that were thought to be one male, one female, and one unknown) and a further two days on 9/20/08 and 9/23/08 (8 TOTAL = 3 females, 5 males). In the January/ February releases, one of the unknown birds was banded and then accidentally let go. Another bird was found dead 2 days after release when it was noticed to have difficulty flying. This means that 36/38 (94.7%) were translocated successfully. In the September 2008 releases, one of the males survived the drive to the Preserve, but died in the release box after going into shock, so 7/8 (87.5%) were translocated successfully in that month. 43 riflemen (7 + 36), then, were successfully transferred and released at the Preserve. All transferred riflemen were released on same day of capture. No birds were lost during capture, holding, transfer, or at the time of release. The release site was searched during the 2008/2009 breednig season - 9 adults in 4 pairs for found with a total of 10 offspring. Post-monitoring report is in publication currently (August 2009).
Data submitted by: What's This?
Jessica Beltran