Bearded Vulture (Lammergeyer) : Resources
In addition to the data that has been collected in database, several types of additional resources are available. If you would like to add a new resource for a species, contact us. We accept photographs, audio (bird songs/calls), video, non-copyrighted documents, and website links. To add a resource you must have the proprietary rights to that resource or it must be public domain.

Bearded Vulture
Main Image01/11/08



Bearded Vulture Project
[source reference]03/30/08

Reference Sources
Title: Bearded Vulture entered by Katell Jaouannet Authors: Publisher: Foundation for the conservation of the bearded vulture Year: 1993 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Govt/NGO annual report -
Title: European Union Action Plans for 8 Priority Birds Species - Lammergeier entered by Katell jaouannet Authors: Publisher: European Union Year: 1997 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Gvt action plan -
Title: Bearded Vulture, Reintroduction into the Alps entered by Katell Jaouannet Authors: Publisher: Foundation for the conservation of the bearded vulture Year: 2003 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Govt/NGO annual report -
Title: Bearded Vulture, Reintroduction into the Alps entered by Katell Jaouannet Authors: Publisher: Foundation for the conservation of the bearded vulture Year: 2004 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Govt/NGO annual report -
Title: annual report, international bearded vulture monitoring entered by Katell Jaouannet Authors: Publisher: Foundation for the conservation of the bearded vulture Year: 2008 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: NGO report -
Title: Action Plan for the conservation of Lammergeier/Bearded Vulture entered by Starr McKinney Authors: Birdlife International Publisher: Birdlife Internations Year: 2001 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Govt/NGO report -
Title: Return of the Bone Eaters entered by Starr McKinney Authors: Forstenzer, Martin Publisher: International Wildlife Year: 2000 Volume: 30(1) Pages: 22-27 Location: Type: Non-technical report/article -
Title: The Reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture, Gypaetus barbatus entered by Starr McKinney Authors: Frey, Hans; Bijieveld van Lexmond, Maarten Publisher: Year: 1993 Volume: Pages: Location: Bearded Vulture annual report 1993 Type: Govt/NGO report -
Title: Bearded Vulture Project entered by Starr McKinney Authors: unknown Publisher: Year: 2002 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Government/organization website