Feb 17, 2005 / Karori Wildlife Sanctuary / Hihi (Stitchbird)
Birds were hard released from their transfer boxes. DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE: 2 adults and 13 juveniles. CAPTURE DATE: differs for groups of birds, but all were released on the same day: 9 birds were captured on Feb 7th, 1 bird on February 6th, and 5 birds on Feb 8th. They were released at Henderson Lawn and next to the aviary at Tiritiri Matangi Island. SOURCE SITE: 3 captive reared birds (2M, 1 F, all juveniles) were also released on this date, but were transferred from National Wildlife Centre, Mt. Bruce. POSTRELEASE MONITORING: 8 birds were "lost" and survival could not be determined. 7 were still alive a year later in Feb 2006. 2 died from aspergillosis.
Jessica Beltran, Jade McGill